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At M-A, we have high expectations for the academic performance of our athletes. That said, we understand that not all students are created equal. That's why we invest in a full academic support program. Read on for more information about requirements and what we provide.


What are the academic requirements to play M-A football?

All players must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA each quarter to be eligible to play football, and have the necessary completed credits every year. The M-A Football Academic Program is designed to support our student-athletes to reach their full potential in the classroom, in addition to maintaining eligibility.

Does the football team help manage and balance the needs of a student and an athlete?

Yes! Academic success as a student is the first priority of the M-A Football Program, and a significant emphasis is placed on academic and personal development. M-A football has a full year academic program that ALL players, freshman through senior, are required to participate in.

What is the goal of the Academic Program?

The M-A Football Academic Program is focused on teaching student-athletes the basic skills required to be a successful student. The 3 core areas of emphasis are organization, completing all assignments, and test/essay prep. The program goal is to not only help players stay on track in school, but have the necessary skills to succeed in the classroom.

How does the Academic Program work?

Players are organized into small groups based on common classes, creating a network of accountability and peer support. Student-athlete grades are checked on a weekly basis to identify issues early, and personalized tutoring is available for players who require additional support. Study Hall operates Monday-Thursday throughout the year, and is a core emphasis of the program player development.

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